Brad Hall owner of Bodyshop Fitness and Nutrition

Brad Hall


Brad was always active and has loved the sport of fitness from a very young age. Growing up, Brad played rep hockey and raced motocross and supercross. At 19, Brad purchased his first gym in Ft. St. John and called it the Bodyshop. After 10 years of running the gym, his soon-to-be wife, Marely, and he moved to Kelowna BC. Brad spent the next 9 years as a Personal Trainer always keeping an eye out for better ways to help people be encouraged and fit.

In the summer of 2009, he had the opportunity to put together a personal training studio and has never looked back. Brad holds many personal training certifications including American Council on Exercise (ACE), Strong, Stretched & Centered (SS&C), and CrossFit. When not at the gym, you’ll find Brad outside skiing at Big White, mountain biking, relaxing at the beach or enjoying some time with his family.

Nick Rensby coach at Bodyshop Fitness and Nutrition

Nick Rensby


Originally from Burns Lake in northern BC, Nick Rensby earned a diploma in criminal justice policing. After 4-years he realized that he liked ‘training’ to be a police officer more than being one. At that time, Nick changed his focus to his passion for fitness and teaching others how to find health and fitness. Since 2013, he has found joy in working with clients to see true results in the journey of life.

Nick is a HUGE Foodie, movie and comic book hero nerd. When not at the gym, you might find him out at the latest superhero blockbuster, or trying one of the local foodie hotspots.

Jake Semeniuk coach at Bodyshop Fitness and Nutrition

Jake Semeniuk


Jake has always loved being active and has been involved in high level sports throughout his life. When he first stepped into Bodyshop Fitness and Nutrition he knew he wanted to become a part of the coaching team. Jake is a certified BrandX trainer focusing on youth fundamental fitness. As soon as you meet Jake you will understand his passion for helping and motivating others to achieve their goals.

You can find Jake hanging with friends or mountain biking with his Dad. He also enjoys watching shows like Star Wars and practicing mindfulness activities.

Brad Gunner coach at Bodyshop Fitness and Nutrition

Brad Gunner


I started my career in fitness during my second year in university as a competitive track and field athlete. Soon realizing that running 400 meter sprints wasn’t going to be my future, I instead focused on the training aspect. A love for moving weight and helping others propelled me in accumulating multiple certificates in personal training, fascial stretch therapy, biofeedback, and receiving a diploma in nutrition from an accredited university.

My background training helps athletes move with confidence pain free, while helping them achieve their own individual goals. While not in the gym I’m usually looking for another direction or trend in the fitness industry that can broaden my skills as a top tier coach.

Izzy Turk coach at Bodyshop Fitness and Nutrition

Izzy Turk


Hey there! My name is Incredible Izzy, and I love to live, train, eat and live some more. I am very passionate about food, whether it is the culinary arts or the science behind nutrition. My earliest memories in life are anchored in the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mom is an excellent cook, and my dad, in my eyes at least, is a pioneer in the food and beverage industry. So I grew up in an environment where learning and appreciating a wide array of foods was the norm.

From those experiences, I gained a deep abiding passion for “magically” transforming random pantry items into delicious wholesome meals! I graduated from Concordia University with a major in Finance and a minor in Exercise Science and Nutrition. And went on to work in the hospitality industry for most of my adult life, combining my knowledge in finance and my family culture of hospitality. It was a fantastic journey to say the least, in the process I met amazing people that helped refine me and my perspectives on life. During that time, I got married, had three amazing children and gained 70lbs. But one morning I was tired of feeling tired, so I put my gym shoes on, went to the gym, then went to the grocery store and turned my life around once and for all. I knew this was a defining moment because of my purpose. My mindset had shifted. I not only wanted, but I needed and DESERVED to be healthier, for myself, for my wife and of course for my kids. My “why” was now unshakeable. That was almost 7 years ago. Third best decision I ever made. The first best decision was getting married to the love of my life Rana. The second best decision was getting my semi professional high fiver certificate from the wild streets of LA! For years I attended seminars, workshops and conferences on nutrition, to further my knowledge and better understand how different foods affect us and why. In the process I was exposed to a ton of nonsense and with time learned how to research better and spot disinformation… and there is a lot of it!!! Like way too much.

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